Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Okay. This needs to be addressed right here and right now. that was a very funny commentary on the treatment of women in the military today, though it didn’t really have much of anything to do with video games.

I was kind of disgusted by the video because Amy obviously doesn’t know how to hold a video game controller. You may argue that that’s not the point, but as a gamer, I’m vetoing your argument. Knowing how to hold a controller for the sake of creating some sense of believability is important. If an actor is pretending to smoke a cigarette, but holds the fake cigarette in the way a person would hold a “blunt” you get a different implication and it changes the meaning of the display. Holding the controller wrong shows a lack of interest and investment, and it agitates me to pieces.

The reason I'm on about this is because I'm sick of seeing women who "play games" in media, but can't even hold the controller right. It's embarrassing. If I claimed to be a basketball player and walked onto the court in bowling shoes with gloves and a heavy ball on my hand, people would be annoyed and think that I was either an idiot, or making a mockery of something they care about. It's the same thing here. Care more than not at all, people! 

Is this something that only women do? No. There are some men out there who pretend to play video games and can't hold a controller, and I'm ashamed of them too, but this is something I see that is primarily displayed by women. Learn to hold a controller or just put it down. 

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